Hey! I'm Tara.

My mission is enable women to live their happiest and healthiest lives through God.

Hey ! I am Tara Prater, and it is my mission to empower women to live their happiest and healthiest lives. As anyone, life has thrown its share of curveballs. I am proud to say that through Christ, I have developed programs to coach women how to be fueled by God to overcome emotional eating as well as take back their overall health and wellness.

You see, in 2006, I developed adult onset bulimia as I tried to “control” many aspects of my life that seemed to be spiraling out of.control. Over the next decade, I would go through intensive counseling, try every fad diet, exercise excessively, and any other “thing” out there. It wasn’t until 2020, that my false “controlling” strategies began creeping back into my life and heard God say “Why don’t you try me?”

I’m not here to say that I am perfect, BUT GOD….God has resurrected a peace in me that I have never known. Day by day, he fulfills me greater than any food ever could. Day by day, he provides me with a gift, self control, a fruit of the spirit. It is THIS that I want all other women to experience. We were not created to be filled by food, money, relationships, or things, BUT GOD!

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In the fantastic, unforgettable year of 2020, I became an Integrative Health Practitioner as a way to empower my own children to take back their health and lives. My oldest daughter Cayce has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and my youngest daughter has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Each of them have significantly been impacted by these diagnoses and I could no longer sit back and let them "just get by".

They, like all women, deserve to THRIVE and be EMPOWERED to live fulfilling lives. Thus, my small group and 1:1 Holistic Health with Tara programs were born in order to coach all women to better health, energy, and desired weight loss through God. It is time for all women to stop taking a back seat to their health and wellness, and discover root causes of damaging rollercoaster diets and mindsets.

My faith based, holistic approach was created to stand out among other program to impact you, my sisters, in all areas of life (mind, body and spirit), not just diet and exercise. Because you can find that anywhere and you probably have already tried all the "quick fixes" that didn't work. So it's time to EMPOWER yourself and never need another diet again!