The 4 Pillars of Health & Weight Loss

STUCK in the cycle of pain?

STUCK in the cycle of inflammation?

STUCK in the cycle of no energy?

STUCK in the cycle of weight loss?

If you are STUCK then I am going to challenge you to get out of the box of nutrition & fitness. For some women their bodies are STUCK in a cycle of perpetual weight gain, shame, and doubt. Physicians are often quick to suggest you pop a pill or take a shot but do they ever ask you about your sleep, level of stress, liver health, or other lifestyle choices? I’m sad to report no. I want to challenge you today to put those things on the back burner until you have considered these other 4 factors in your journey. Let’s jump in to get you started!

NUTRITION: 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.”

Top Tips for Hormone Health -

  1. Prioritize Protein: As women age, protein becomes more and more important for health & weight loss. At least, strive to get 20-30 grams of protein per meal. Protein is a building block for muscle and the more muscle you can build the more fat you will burn. WIN WIN! Increasing your protein will also help to decrease your cravings for sugary foods. Another win!

  2. Get lots of healthy fats: Eating healthy fats is imperative for healthy hormones. Healthy options include avocado, flax seed, extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts and seeds. If you are not taking a good Omega 3 supplement this is a great suggestion as well.

  3. Increase fiber intake: Fiber helps to decrease blood sugar spikes which is helpful to build healthy hormones. Foods high in fiber include avocado, broccoli, beans, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, apples, brussel sprouts, berries, almonds, sweet potato, quinoa rice. On average women need 25-35 grams of fiber daily.

  4. Strive for 3 bigger meals and limit snacks: 1/2 of your plate should be non-starchy vegetables, 1/4 protein (6-8 ounces), 1/4 lower glycemic carbohydrates.

EXERCISE & MOVEMENT: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

Top Tips for Hormone Health & Weight Loss -

  1. Be intention about step count: Again, as women age, intentional opportunities for movement will improve hormone health and weight loss. If you are physically capable, women should strive for 8000-9000 steps daily.

  2. Movement does not have to been a sweat explosion: Do things that you enjoy to increase movement. Take a walk. Do gardening in the flowers or vegetable garden. Dance around the kitchen while you cook or take a plunge in the pool.

  3. Strength training over cardio: Due to the loss of muscle mass as testosterone levels decrease, building muscle is extremely important for metabolism and hormone health. If you enjoy cardio, as you age, change from lengthy cardio session to short bursts. SIT or Sprint Interval Training is a great way to work out. 2-3 x a week give your highest effort for 20-30 seconds then allow your body to recover 30 seconds to 1 minute.

STRESS: Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

  1. What areas of your life do you need to set boundaries in or say no to?- Take inventory of people, places, and things that are causing stress in your life.

  2. What worries are you holding onto that you need to let go and let God worth through?

  3. Take your thoughts captive - God did not create you to live in fear or anxiousness. He created you to live in peace and rest in Him. So when satan tells you a lie stop and ask “Where is this thought coming from?” Is it based in scripture? If not, let it pass on through.

  4. Elevating physical stress on your body - daily liver support is a must for getting your hormones & weight loss back on track.

SLEEP/REST: Psalm 4:8 “In peace I will lie down & sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

  1. Turn off electronics 30-60 minutes before bedtime.- blue light from electronics decreases your natural melatonin secretion.

  2. Natural supplements to promote sleep- 2-3 oz. organic tart cherry juice, magnesium

  3. You are not a natural night owl- Fight me if you will but God created you to go to bed early and rise early. If you are night owl (by your own creation) start pushing you bedtime up 15 minutes at a time until you are in bed no later than 10 pm.

  4. Rest is Holy- God, himself, rested on the 7th day after creating Earth. I dare to ask you “Are you better than God?” Jesus stepped away from ministry and the disciples to rest with his Father for some time. Restore & repair happen during a good night’s sleep so don’t neglect your body. Your hunger & fullness hormones are also regulated at night. If you find yourself having increased cravings, ask yourself “How have I been sleeping?”

If you are a woman who is STUCK in your health & weight loss journey I challenge you to stop spinning your wheels with only nutrition & fitness strategies. Holistic health & weight loss for you encompasses your mind, body and spirit. If one is stuck then your weight gets stuck. Who would have thought that your most successful strategy to revving your metabolism again might be to actually unplug and decompress?! Now that’s a plan I can get behind. Won’t you?


Your Brain Will Lie To You