I have been so impressed following Tara’s journey to better health and wellness. Seeing her transformation has been so inspiring. I identified with so much of the information she shared and I knew I trusted her completely. I feel like there always seems to be a gimmick with so many of the “diet” plans. That is what makes Empowering You so different and effective! Tara works to help you from the inside out. Yes there is physical change you can see in the mirror but, the journey there, is what’s important. Tara helped me to discover the root of my emotional eating. She taught me to Trust God and seek strength from Him and not to carry my self loathing and disgust, like a weight, on my shoulders.

One of the things that helped to really change my mindset was the daily check-ins to share my “win” from that day. I found that I was looking for those wins throughout day and using them to fuel my journey! The more wins I recognize, the more positive and determined I become. I have even allowed myself to enjoy special gluten free treats and not hate on myself. I love that Tara teaches progress over perfection! She also shares her own journey and struggles and that personal touch makes it so easy to relate to her and know she only wants the best for you. Occasionally enjoying your favorite things is encouraged. The whole food nutrition plan is so much easier than I thought it would be.

Telling yourself that "I choose to fuel my body with nutritious foods" instead of saying “Im not allowed to eat that”, makes all the difference. I still have plenty of work to but Tara and Empowering You have laid a foundation that helps me to know that true change is possible!
